Jun 222011
Wine Blog

Robert Mondavi

Hey Colorado Wineauxs! Wine Blog of Bacchus and Beery here. On the heels of the Colordo Winefest, the weekend of July 2-4, 2011 will be another opportunity to enjoy wine at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. Share Robert Mondavi’s vision of enriching life by embracing wine, food and the arts as an integral part of gracious living at the Robert Mondavi Discover Wine Tour. Coming in for the event is Food Network TV Personality and Robert Mondavi Wine Ambassador Ted Allen. We thoroughly enjoyed this educational and fun wine and food expo last year and certainly, it will be even better this year. Below are all the details…. See you there! Continue reading »

Jun 182011

As the sun came up on Monday morning, the real work, if you can call it that, for both Conch and Bacchus and Beery Wine Blog was about to begin. Conch was up and out the door shortly after 7AM to check in at Rombauer Vineyards for his first day of work and move into the intern housing.

For me, I spent part of the early morning catching up on work from my real job while waiting for Enterprise to bring a rent car from St. Helena. The week ahead was going to be busy with 15 winery or winemaker meetings over the next six days. This day however was light, two appointments with Sean Sullivan of Sullivan Vineyards and Sharon Harris of Rarecat and Common Dog Wines. Continue reading »

Jun 122011
Wine Blog

Happy CO Wineauxs

How many frogs must you kiss to find a handsome prince? An important philosophical question for a wine blog to ask when wine tasting in non-traditional grape growing areas. Saturday (June 11th), we attended Denver’s first Colorado Winefest. Driving through a downpour most of the way across town, we wondered if outdoor Winefest would become a washout. The wet weather made it seem like a perfect day for frog kissing. But lady luck smiled, moved the storms off to the east and the afternoon turned perfectly sunny  for this very well run and attended event. The wines were better than expected and as a result, fewer frogs were kissed. Continue reading »

Jun 112011

Wine BlogSure, it is easy to get a great bottle of wine for $50 or more. In that price range there is so much good juice to choose from it gets silly. But what about every day wine? Something that is a good value, enjoyable and agrees with your palate like an old friend. There are very good wines out there for under $25 and even a few around $10 that we at Bacchus and Beery Wine Reviews have found over the last few months.

Granted these wines may not be life altering in their own right, but they are good, well made and will enhance your daily wine experience… without requiring a conversation with your banker. Continue reading »

Jun 052011

My second day in Napa Valley was an easy going one. This is in contrast to most days, as you will see in later posts are filled with scheduled appointments, tastings and winemaker meetings. I know, you are already filled with sympathy for this strenuous job of glass tipping, jaw boning and writing.

Calistoga Roastery

We left our hotel in Calistoga and headed the 8 miles south to St. Helena for a peach muffin (the best) and a latte at Napa Valley Coffee Roasting Company (The tip jar reads “Livin’ la Vida Mocha”). As we drove past Calistoga Roastery (which later becomes my new favorite breakfast hang out) who  should  jog across the street in front of us, but Bo and Heidi Barrett ( Bo of Chateau Montelena and the movie Bottle Shock fame and his wife Heidi, a very highly respected cult winemaker, Screaming Eagle & Dalla Valle to name a few).  When Conch was considering studying winemaking, it was the movie’s portrayal of Napa Valley and Bo, however inaccurate, that sealed the deal. So this can be considered a true Napa Valley star sighting. Continue reading »