About Bacchus and Beery Wine Blog

Conch Beery, Whitney Beery

Conch & Whitney – Little did they know…We were grooming them all along

Don’t be confused by the wine blog title Bacchus and Beery. This is a wine blog about wine, love,  fun and food as represented by the Roman God of Wine, Bacchus who also was said to inspire joy and ecstasy. Our last name just happens to be Beery and the wine blog is about our family’s love affair with wine.

We started our love affair with wine back in college. Granted, like many with limited resources in the ‘70’s, we cut our teeth on Liebframilch and Mateus Rose. It was imported; we were classy.  In the early 80’s we made several trips to the California wine country from our home in Austin, Texas and began hanging out with local restaurant owners and wine reps.  Fortunately, with expanded resources and the help of our new friends, we were able to expand our palates.

Wine has always played an important role in our lives.  It gave us a shared passion, helped us to make lifelong friends and has become something we now share with our college aged children.  We never told them specifically to find a major in which wine was important, we just started them young with a wine cellar at home and trips to local wine bars.

Our oldest, Conch, is an aspiring winemaker in Sonoma County with a Viticulture and Enology degree from Texas Tech University. Whitney received her hospitality degree from Texas Tech and is a hospitality manager at a famed Sonoma County winery. Together in 2014 we launched J. Cage Cellars, boutique winery in Sonoma County.

Please join the Wine-Stained Dream.

Roger and Donna Beery

Austin, Texas and Santa Rosa, California