Sep 222013

Denver International Wine CompetitionThree Giordano Italian Wines receive medals at the prestigious 2013 Denver International Wine Competition. Two gold medals were bestowed upon Giordano’s 2012 Fiano (White Italian Varietals) and the 2011 Nebbiolo. Giordano’s 2011 Primitivo took the bronze medal in the category, Italian reds under $15. New to American wine competitions, Giordano made an excellent first showing. For preferred pricing on Giordano Wines, be sure to explore the Giordano Italian Wine Club. To read more about Giordano Wines and wine reviews, see Bacchus and Beery Wine reviews. Continue reading »

Mar 232013

33256702In the early days of Wine Reviews at Bacchus and Beery Wine Blog I wanted to be a bit rebellious so I eschewed the 100-Point wine rating system made famous by Robert Parker and adopted by just about every other mainstream wine reviewer around. To that end I, until this week, used a 5-Point rating system…very rebellious…very unique…note the sarcasm. Of course that was only after I found that using a set of 1-5 thumbs up graphics was far too complex for my understanding of blogging technology. Continue reading »