Mar 282011

In the immortal words of Carol Ann Freeling in Poltergeist II “They’re Back.” Yes they are back and just as scary as before. The House of Representatives Bill H.R. 5034 or as my fellow blogger Tom Wark has titled it, The Wholesaler Protection Act, has been resurrected just last week as H.R. 1161.

Your Wine Rights Are Under Attack!!!  Stop H.R. 1161.

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Sep 162010

Wine Blog, best wine blog, love wine

Wineauxs Unite!…

It appeared that the momentum behind the ludicrous H.R. 5034 had waned, but just this Monday retiring Congressman Delahunt of Massachusetts re-filed HR 5034, aka the C.A.R.E. Bill, with some minor changes. He is also asking that the bill be heard before congress adjourns this year. The rumor is a hearing may be scheduled as early as September 29th. Why the rush? Doesn’t Congress have bigger problems than your wine club shipment?

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