Sometimes an event that on the surface appears to be a disaster becomes a great memory if you can look a little deeper. Continue reading »
Memoirs of Terrance Jamison, IV – In Search of Wife Two
wine fiction by Roger Beery
It did not turn out the way I wanted, not even close; my first marriage that is. I was young, 32, and successful, from a legal business perspective, not from a marriage perspective, at least not then. I said it was my first marriage because saying first marriage implies there would be a second and hopefully last marriage. I did not want to live forever a single man, though I can from time to time see the benefits. Continue reading »
Many people have seminal moments or turning points in their lives and quite possibly the lives of those around them. Often those moments center on great tragedies, successes or emotional events. What about the little moments of revelation? Those little unassuming, possibly inconsequential moments that we find, many years later, have shaped our lives in ways one would never imagine and possibly the life of one yet to be conceived. Continue reading »