Jan 172012

Wine BlogWine, it seems, get more press regarding health benefits than anything else we consume on a regular basis. Just when we’re sure we are drinking from the fountain youth, out comes a study that contradicts the first.

To make matters worse, ABC News reports “A University of Connecticut researcher  (Dr. Dipak Das) known for his work on red wine’s benefits to cardiovascular health falsified his data in more than 100 instances, university officials said Wednesday. UConn officials said nearly a dozen scientific journals are being warned of the potential problems after publishing his studies in recent years.”

What’s a wine lover to believe?

Below is a summary of the often mentioned health benefits of alcohol and wine (mostly red wine) and in some cases the studies that challenge those very claims. In all cases, the benefits come from moderate consumption, usually considered to be no more than two four-ounce glasses a day

Here’s a list of recent claims: Continue reading »