Aug 122014

A few weeks ago a fellow blogger suggested we stop by and meet 5th generation winemaker, Ryan Kunde of DRNK Wines at his little winery, hidden off a dirt road in the Pinot Noir centric Russian River Valley. The wines were fantastic and the one on one tasting with Ryan in his winery cave is not to be missed. Read More Here. This is a young man with a famous wine surname who is about to make a big name for himself. Meet Ryan Kunde…


Ryan Kunde

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May 022010

 Wines From Last Night….

This is our weekly review of wines we had the opportunity to taste over the last week or so. Unless otherwise noted all the wines were paid for with our hard earned bucks. But if anyone out there would like to donate a wine to end up in this blog…we’re game!

This week’s wines are from : Twenty Rows, AnnaBella, Kunde Estate, Lezuan

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